Club Car
MKRCCC have a club car available for anyone wishing to have a go at RC Car racing but don’t yet have a suitable car of their own. To make sure the hobby is right for you before investing in your own radio controlled car.
The cars must be booked in advance by contacting the club via our Facebook page or e-mailing Ian Devonshire so a date can be agreed. You will be able to take part in a full race meeting, competing against other relative novices.
Your first time of using the car will be completely free. However for any subsequent bookings a charge of £10 per meeting will be made for to cover your race fee and wear and tear of the car. Whilst we hold a reasonable supply of spares for the car, in the event of it breaking and we are unable to get it working then no alternative is available.
The intent is for people to have a go before they buy their own, not use it instead of buying your own so you may use the loan cars a maximum of 3 times.
You will be expected to follow the normal racing and marshalling etiquette.